Transform Your Ads: Exclusive Life-Changing Talk with Advertising Guru Roy H. Williams, The Wizard of Ads - Part 2

Transform Your Ads: Exclusive Life-Changing Talk with Advertising Guru Roy H. Williams, The Wizard of Ads - Part 2

Meet The Masters Series: Roy H. Williams

My next guest is Roy H Williams. The Wizard of Ads

Before I give you some details about Roy let me say this. Of the 174 interviews I’ve so far carried out - I learned more in this 40 minutes with Roy than any other 40 minutes in my life. In fact - probably more than I learned in any week of my life.

Here’s some information about him

I first came across the wizard when my wife bought me his book, secret formulas of The Wizard of Ads. I was so taken with it. I bought one of his other books called The Wizard of Ads. They're just brilliant.

His books and Monday morning memos are a constant source of fascination and entertainment for his students and friends around the globe. His first book, The Wizard of Ads was voted Business Book of the Year in 1998. His second book, secret formulas of The Wizard of Ads was named the Wall Street Journal's number one business book in America in 1999. And it became a New York Times bestseller, The third book in the trilogy, magical worlds of The Wizard of Ads rich bestseller status again in late 2001. His fascinating fourth book accidental magic is a tightly condensed anthology of writing tips and insights mixed with artistic examples provided by 106 of his amazing protégées.

The Wizards first fiction book Destiny is a powerful allegory aimed directly at the heart of the reader. Once introduced as the most magnetic and mesmerising speaker in the world today, the wizard has been trying to live up to those words ever since most attendees agree that he's action packed seminar advertising in America what works, what doesn't and why is perhaps the most entertaining and enlightening three hours they've ever experienced.

The brainchild of his wife, Penny, Wizard Academy was founded as a way to get her husband off the road. Instead of sending him to them for a few hours. Why not let them all come here for a few days. But not even Princess Penny knew how well her idea would work. Since its launch in May of 2000 Wizard Academy has attracted a roster of students and includes many of the world's most forward thinking and successful CEOs, educated journalists, inventors, and consultants, the Wizard Academy reunion each autumn is an event not to be missed. With nine branch offices in the US, Canada and Australia, Wizard of Ads is now serving the advertising and marketing needs of business owners around the globe.

Now, I’m not going to spoil the surprises Roy has in store of use - simply to say. If you’re listening to this ‘on the move’, then I suggest you also set aside time to be able to listen - and take notes. I know you’ll be so pleased you did.

Let’s go to the interview now…

To find out more about Roy H Williams go to:

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