Navigating the Future: Joel Barker's Wisdom on Paradigms and Shaping Success Part 2

Navigating the Future: Joel Barker's Wisdom on Paradigms and Shaping Success Part 2

Meeting the Masters: Joel Barker

My next guest is Joel Barker. Joel is known as the paradigm man. He was the first person to popularised the concept of paradigm shifts for the corporate world. After spending a year in fellowship meetings, and working with visionary thinkers in both North America and Europe, he discovered that the concept of paradigms which at that time was sequestered within the scientific discussion could explain revolutionary change in all areas of human endeavour.

In addition to his work on paradigms, he began to focus on a second crucial component for organisations and individuals, the importance of vision.  

Way back in 1986, he released his first video, Discovering the Future, the business of Paradigms. (I’ve seen it by the way, and it's brilliant) By 1988. It was the best selling business video in history. It has been translated into 16 languages, and influenced people all over the world. He then released The Power of Vision, which became a second best seller translated into more than a dozen languages. His book on paradigms Future Edge was listed as one of the most influential business books of the year by the prestigious Library Journal.

Joel Barker has worked with organisations both for-profit and not-for-profit all over the world, as well as with nations including Singapore, Venezuela, Canada, Mexico, and Peru.

His honours include an honorary doctorate in visionary leadership and the Excellence in Education Award. He’s the former Director of the future studies department of the Science Museum of Minnesota.  Joel has spoken to more than 1 million people around the world, and his films have been seen by more than 250 million people.

His two most quoted phrases are;

“You can and should shape your own future because if you don't,
someone else surely will”

And for leaders:

“No one will thank you for taking care of the present,
if you have neglected the future”

I know you'll be fascinated by both his explanation of paradigms and his ideas on the five regions of the future.

So, let’s hear from Joel Barker now

To find out more about Joel Barker go to:

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