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How to Run a Profitable Subscription Business that Creates Recurring Revenue in to Your Coaching & Consultancy Business

How to Run a Profitable Subscription Business

One of the side benefits of having a subscription programme is the fact that you get lots of highly qualified leads of people who have become used to your material, you and your style, and want to have more time with you.

If that was the only reason to run a subscription programme, it would be worthwhile. Aside from that, imagine on the first day of every month your income pours into your business. This means no more ’feast and famine’. You’re not only swapping your valuable time for money

When you’re running a subscription programme one of the two areas we need to consider is what it is precisely what we’re offering.

What type of subscription model would work for you?

What type of subscription model would work for you?

Types of Subscription Models

  • Community
  • Mastery

If you’re going to create a mastery subscription then what you’re saying to your intended audience members is:

“I’m going to show you how to do this…”

  • How to improve your skills in this area…
  • How to be more knowledgeable about this…
  • How to get greater levels of success over here…
  • How to avoid these problems over here…

If you’re going to build a community-based subscription programme then that has a lot of interaction. One of the reasons that people will stick with you for a long time is they feel part of that community. They are interacting, helping each other, posting pictures etc and you are building a private group for the members only

Are you building that community?

Are you building mastery?

Or are you building a combination of it? One of my subscription offering is a combination of mastery and community.

I recommend you read The Automatic Customer by John Warrillow. It’s essential for any serious player with any subscription programme.

How Will You Deliver Your Subscription Programme?


I do still receive two newsletters in the post. However, these days, more and more subscription programmes provide their content online.

Again, this is putting in place the bricks at the bottom of our pyramid of our success in a profitable subscription programme: How are we going to provide what it is that we’re supplying?

To give you an idea I run three different subscription programmes, and they’re delivered in different ways and at very different investments
A high level one-to-one ‘done for/with you’ service, where we take the stress out of someone having to learn the processes for themselves. For this level of personal contact, clients pay between £3,000 – £10,000 per month
A face-to-face mentoring group, where we meet our clients for 2 days every other month and this is priced at £295 per month

A global online monthly subscription programme, with a live monthly interactive web meet and an online platform for access to content. This is our entry level subscription model at £49 per month

That’s called – escalation.

The more a client has personal access to you – the higher the investment will be.

Remember, people are rarely price sensitive, usually value sensitive. There is always a percentage of the market who are very happy to pay for a premium service. This is why we have first class seats on airlines, luxury cars, Michelin stars .

Here are some subscription models for you to consider:

  • Physical meetings
  • Online meetings
  • Online access
  • Physical items in the post

You can supply your information and just tell people what they need to know. You can then move up the scale and you can say to people, “I’m not only going to tell you what you need to know, but I’m going to tell you how to do it as well.”

Capturing Your Content Creation:

I have a series of hanging files on all the content areas I cover Selling/Business Growth/Personal Growth/ Product Creation /Marketing etc and whenever I read something or think about something I want to cover it goes in my hanging files – ready for the moment I need it.

Just keep on capturing your ideas about content, then you never run into the problem of knowing what to write/film about.
Content is all around us…

Wishing you every Success.

Peter Thomson

“The UK’s Most Prolific Information Product Creator”

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